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Learning Logs for Short-Cycle Feedback and Long-Term Learning

Learning Logs for Short-Cycle Feedback and Long-Term Learning

Presenters: Rebecca Perlmutter, Cory Georgopoulos

Wed, Oct 11, 4:15 – 5:15 PM

Learning logs, which are based on emergent learning principles and practices, are a valuable tool for teams to capture their learnings over time and inform adjustments in strategy. While emergent learning tools are mostly designed for ongoing learning, Innovation Network has been experimenting with utilizing learning logs for evaluations. In this demonstration, the presenters will showcase how learning logs can be used for both short-cycle reflection and longer-term evaluations. Drawing from their own experience, the presenters will discuss the pros and cons of using learning logs for evaluations, and identify the best circumstances for their use. They will provide an overview of learning logs and share two examples from their work with policy advocacy organizations and communities of practice documenting their shifts toward advancing equity. Participants will receive a customizable template that they can use to implement learning logs in their own work.

Session Resources: