Transforming Knowledge into Change

State of Evaluation - Russian translation

The Project: Nonprofits hear a lot of talk about evaluation these days—metrics and measurements, indicators and impact, efficiency and effectiveness. Everyone, from donors to board members, seems to want evaluation results. But there was a big knowledge gap around evaluation practice: What are nonprofits really doing to evaluate their work? How are they really using evaluation results? What support are they getting? What else do they need?

These are the questions we hope to answer through our new State of Evaluation project. There are many excellent studies available that examine evaluation practice at a particular time or in a particular region. Ours is the first nationwide project that seeks to systematically and repeatedly collect data from U.S. nonprofits about their evaluation practices.

An excited fan of  the State of Evaluation has now made a translation of this report available in Russian!

(Note: this is all US data, but the findings have been translated)


Bibliographic Details
Author Innovation Network
Publisher Innovatrion Network
Publication Date February 3, 2011
Publication City Washington DC
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K February 3, 2011 - 4:09pm


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