Transforming Knowledge into Change

ProPack III - The CRS Project Package: A Guide to Creating a SMILER M&E System

The approach to M&E described in this guide is called SMILER. It is a comprehensive and practical approach to developing a project monitoring system that incorporates processes for learning based on robust evidence. It has been written for CRS project managers, technical, and M&E staff to guide their work with partners and communities by describing how to develop an M&E system in which data are systematically collected, reported and used to make project decisions.

This guide presents an approach to developing a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for projects supported by Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The content is derived from guidance in ProPack (CRS, 2004 and CRS, 2007) and streamlined based on experience in CRS country programs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The new approach is called SMILER: Simple Measurement of Indicators for Learning and Evidence-based Reporting.

While M&E is rarely thought of as simple, SMILER breaks down the development of an M&E system into easily understood parts. SMILER is a comprehensive and practical approach to develop an M&E system; the objectives and their indicators are linked to a system to collect, analyze, and report on data. SMILER includes mechanisms to turn data into useful knowledge that supports sound project decision making and ensures that all staff have a clear understanding of the project and their role in M&E.
The process of developing a SMILER M&E system is called the SMILER coaching session. The primary output is the M&E Operating Manual for the project.

The guide helps CRS project staff use SMILER to turn M&E plans, described in their proposals, into M&E systems that produce relevant and reliable information for project stakeholders and encourages learning and sound decision making. Most M&E guides explain data-gathering methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other methods; they do not describe the process of developing an M&E system in which data are systematically collected, reported and used to make project decisions.


Bibliographic Details
Author Susan Hahn, Guy Sharrock
Publisher Catholic Relief Services
Publication Date June 15, 2010
Publication City Baltimore, MD
Publication Work
Resource Type
Resource Focus
Submitted to Point K June 23, 2011 - 11:12am


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