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7 Lessons for Centering Equity and Grassroots Organizations

Toward Equitable Electric Mobility (TEEM) disrupts the electric mobility policy landscape by bringing traditional environmental groups and equity groups together. As part of the TEEM community of practice, these groups learn from each other, build relationships and capacity, and take shared action with the ultimate goal of advancing racial equity and climate change goals in electric mobility. Since 2021, TEEM has partnered with Innovation Network to evaluate and learn from the implementation of TEEM. In TEEM’s second year, the evaluation explored how TEEM can support proactive work for equitable policies, how to build collective ownership of TEEM’s strategies, and how to operationalize equity within the community of practice.  Findings were validated with funders, facilitators, and members of TEEM. This brief distills seven lessons from the evaluation for centering equity within the collective. 

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